10000 (for now)
10,000 Reapers hiding in the shadows of Solana.
Exclusively mintable for free by Saga Phone Holders

Commonly asked questions:

Q: Why are there only 10,000 Reapers when there are 20,000 phones?
A: There is a hard cap of 10,000 NFTs on LaunchMyNFT, the second 10,000 collection will be mintable by any wallets that did not mint this phase. Even though there are only 10,000 current NFTs, all Saga phone holders are whitelisted to mint (updated daily).
Q: Why use LMNFT and not airdrop holders?
A: We chose to use LMNFT for three main reasons: 1. It would allow Saga Phone Holders to instantly mint their Reaper, and not have to wait for an airdrop. 2. We believe the act of minting your own NFT is way more fun and establishes a deeper connection to your Reaper! And 3. It was way cheaper and less work 😅